Add a little flair to your funk(tional space)

Note: This post was inspired by becky malinsky’s incredible substack newsletter. I promise my blog post will pale in comparison. Go check her out!

Something about me

is I stay scrolling on the sites I love. I just love looking and finding inspiration wherever I can. I used to be so obsessed with food blogs when I was in high school and would scroll Foodgawker during study periods just to learn more about the possibilities in cooking and baking. This has basically now transferred into my work life with organizing. And right now I’m into more decorative organizing products.

I’ve learned that I appreciate a “clean” organizing look (think Container Store chic) but when it comes to smaller scale organizing I think it’s fun to show off your personality a little more. As long as the item is the correct size for the space and serves the function you need, why not have some fun? Form follows function, so if you have the function down, try getting playful with the form! Let’s check out 5 decorative organizing products I LOVE right now. Possibly my favorite part of all? They aren’t made of plastic!

Apple Wall Basket

woven wall hanging basket in the shape of an apple, used for decorative organizing needs

Take a bite out of this apple wall basket (ew lol) to free up some horizontal space. If you have a table, counter, or any other flat surface area that you notice getting consistently cluttered, try a hanging wall basket. If you notice a pattern in the types of items that get left out, they may be turning into clutter because they just don’t have a functional home yet.

For example, a few months back I started noticing the small towel we use to wipe our pup’s paws off by the backdoor was getting left on our dining table (EW). In addition, her extendable leash was being left on our backyard table (huh?) and headlamps we use on walks around our neighborhood (who doesn’t install sidewalks in a residential neighborhood..?) were WHO KNOWS where around our home. Floating, actually, and no where to be found when we needed them. You can imagine the toll this was taking on me πŸ˜‚ so I decided to take action an implement the wall basket system by our sliding back door.

The purpose of the basket was to hold doggy items and misc. “going outside” things. Let me tell you- this system has really been holding up well. Since the basket is on the way out the door it’s virtually fail-proof to put items back there where they belong, and I love how “floating” items are now up and out of the way. And more accessible than ever.

So, if you think a hanging wall basket might be just what you need to tidy up your space, why not make it an apple basket? Here’s a dupe if that one sells out.

Wavy Wood Wine Rack

decoartive wine bottle organizer with a wavy design

Just look at this beauty. Trying to up your decorative wine storage game? I am so obsessed with this fun wine rack right now. It allows some bottles of wine to be stored by also pieces of art for your space. It’s interesting and doesn’t take itself too seriously!

Metal Mesh Box

functional and decorative white metal bin that can be used in a cube organizer

So, yes. I’m a pro organizer so unfortunately that means I’m weirdly into boxes. Call it a personality flaw. REGARDLESS I’m in love with this one right here. It’s metal (obv) and kind of industrial cool? I find it modern and playful. It’s kind of the definition of decorative organizing products.

This would fit right in your cube system (might be a touch smaller than you’re used to, though) or just on a shelf. The high sides mean you can stash taller things in there like books, Barbies, or anything with a little more bulk. I wouldn’t store a bunch of tiny things because they’ll just get lost.

Are you sure you’re ready to enter your plastic-less bin era? Let’s goooooo.

Hanging Laundry Hamper

decorative laundry hamper that hangs from the door providing function by freeing up floor space

Wow. I must really be into hanging things. And I feel like this one is a little hard to defend. Really, Hanna? A basic hanging laundry hamper thing? How decorative organizing products of you…

I’ll admit this isn’t the looker of the bunch but here me out. It really paves the way for more decorative items to shine. Who loves a laundry hamper in their room? I honestly can’t bring myself to do it. I will use anything but a plastic hamper to collect my dirty clothes and have even go so far as to use this in my daughter’s room. But even if it’s not plastic, like, you know what it is.

All that being said, this hamper gets a necessary function up and off the floor. Opening up that floor space allows for a cleaner, less cluttered look in your room. If you’ve never been thrilled with your hamper set up, give this one a try!

Hannah Bigeleisen Stack Containers

colorful, stackable, decorative organizing containers for small items

Omg. Swoon.

Made out of hardwood and water-based paint, these stacking containers are the perfect decorative touch to add to a space that’s in need of some small-scale organizing. The opposite of the mesh metal box, here is where you want that collection of smaller items to go. Think, small desk supplies, stickers for your kids, jewelry, that collection of pins you can’t get rid of, etc..

These are really just the perfect playful touch to elevate any organizing project.


Here’s to hoping you found some inspiration from these decorative organizing products! Adding some interesting forms to needed functions just makes living in your home more personal. You’ll feel happier at home and, ultimately, want to keep it organized.

Looking for more organizing product ideas? Check out this gift list.

Do you want to get organized? I mean, I would love nothing more. Get to know me here.

Happy organizing!

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