Hint: It’s Mainly Your Time and Energy

So my toddler post really got me thinking! After I posted that blog I started reminiscing about my pregnancy and postpartum experiences with both of my girls. I had mixed experiences with both- a tougher physical experience with my first, and rough emotional experience with my second. I’m thankful for the many acts of kindness extended to my family during these early days with both girls, but there was one that was really unexpected and meant so very much to me. As far as the best baby shower gift, it’s up there with my favorites. And it was simple- a close friend offered to come over to help me nest.

All expecting mothers have things to do. It doesn’t matter if she’s a first time or experienced mom. There are things to sterilize, clothes to wash, dry, fold, and put away, a nursery to complete, new furniture to build, house projects to cross off, siblings rooms to update, and MORE. Thank goodness that nesting instinct kicks in during the third trimester! If you are a friend and really want to make an expecting mother feel taken care of, the best baby shower gift you can give to is to help her get her home ready for her baby.

a pregnancy announcement to be used at a baby shower for an expecting mother

Why Your Time and Energy Can Mean More Than Gifts

There’s no denying the excitement of picking out a cute outfit or something you know will be super useful for a baby shower gift, but it’s important to remember what expecting moms are truly going through. For many, preparing for a baby can feel really overwhelming. Between prenatal appointments, emotional and physical changes (ugh, so hard), and trying to keep up with regular life, the to-do list can become endless. In the midst of all this, nursery prep, meal planning, and organizing for postpartum recovery can easily get pushed to the bottom of the list.

Offering your time and energy to help with these tasks can take an enormous load off her shoulders. That’s why it’s literally the best baby shower gift you could give! Here are some areas where your hands-on support can make all the difference:

Deep Cleaning the House: Offering to help with a thorough house clean can be a lifesaver. Especially when bending down or reaching high spots becomes difficult during pregnancy! Dusting, scrubbing floors, cleaning windows, and tackling any cluttered areas can make the home feel fresh and ready for a new baby. Honestly, it’s also just good for the ole’ mental health.

Setting Up a Safe Space for the Baby: Babyproofing areas of her home or rearranging furniture to make the nursery or common spaces more functional is a key part of nesting. And ensuring a safe environment for all members of her family is essential. You can help out by installing baby gates, securing furniture to walls, and making sure that breakable items are out of reach.

Helping Organize Baby Gear: New parents often receive a lot of baby gear, from clothes to toys to feeding supplies. It can be overwhelming to figure out where everything should go. Helping your favorite mama wash and organize baby clothes by size, set up diaper stations, and create functional storage solutions in the nursery or other rooms will make her feel more in control.

Assembling Furniture: Baby furniture often comes with complicated instructions and a LOT of parts! Offering to help assemble cribs, bassinets, swings, changing tables, strollers, etc. is a huge help. This is even more true if the parents aren’t as comfortable with tools or the stress of tackling it alone.

There’s even more you can do to help out a mama-to-be

Stocking Up on Postpartum Essentials: Ensuring the new mom has everything she needs for postpartum recovery can make a big difference. Putting together a basket of postpartum items like pads, nursing supplies, comfy clothing, and snacks, or helping her organize a self-care station near where she’ll spend most of her time, can be incredibly supportive.

Running Errands: As the due date approaches, small tasks can start to feel overwhelming. Offer to run errands like grocery shopping, picking up last-minute baby items, or dropping off dry cleaning. It’s one less thing for the expecting mom to worry about, especially if she’s feeling tired or uncomfortable.

Meal Prepping Together: Freezer meals are a new mom’s best friend. Offer to spend an afternoon cooking and prepping meals that can easily be frozen and reheated. Think casseroles, soups, and easy-to-eat snacks. This takes the burden off the parents for those first few chaotic weeks after the baby is born.

Setting Up a Care Calendar: Organize a meal train or care calendar with other friends and family. This can coordinate meal deliveries, house cleaning, or babysitting for older kids. Everyone takes turns offering support during the first few weeks after the baby arrives, ensuring the parents have consistent help without feeling overwhelmed by too many visitors at once.

Helping with Laundry: Babies generate a lot of laundry! Offer to wash, fold, and organize baby clothes, bedding, and towels so that everything is fresh and ready for the baby’s arrival.

More you can do to give the best baby shower gift EVER!

Organizing Important Documents: Help the mom-to-be gather and organize important paperwork related to the baby’s birth. This can include health insurance forms, hospital paperwork, and pediatrician contact information. Having everything in one place will make it easier when the baby arrives and appointments start rolling in.

Planning for Older Siblings: If the expecting mom has other children, helping set up a plan for their care during labor and the first few days after delivery can provide peace of mind. Offer to be “on-call” or arrange playdates and meals for the older kids to ease the transition for the whole family.

Packing the Hospital Bag: Offer to help the expecting mom pack her hospital bag with all the essentials, from toiletries and comfy clothing to snacks and phone chargers. Having someone help her check things off the list will make sure she’s prepared for when labor starts.

Creating a Restful Space: Help create a cozy space in the house where the new mom can relax postpartum. This might mean setting up a nursing station with pillows, blankets, books, and snacks, or just making sure a comfortable chair or bed is nearby for quick rest.

Emotional Support and Encouragement: Sometimes, what an expecting mom needs most is emotional support. Offer a listening ear, give her a break from the endless baby advice, or take her out for a fun, relaxing activity that has nothing to do with the pregnancy.

It’s more than a registry gift

Registry gifts are a tradition at baby showers, but sometimes, they don’t address the real or actual needs of an expecting mama. Okay okay, receiving diapers is pretty helpful, but knowing that someone is there to support you through the logistical and emotional shifts of welcoming a baby is truly priceless. Giving the gift of time and energy makes the expecting mom feel cared for in a way that goes beyond what’s on her registry!

How to offer Your time and energy as your baby shower gift

If you’re attending a baby shower soon and want to offer more than just a wrapped present, there are many ways you can make a big difference. Consider gifting a ‘Nesting Voucher’, offering specific support as listed above. For example:

  • A day to help set up the nursery
  • An afternoon of meal prepping together
  • Help with organizing postpartum supplies
  • Assistance with decluttering or organizing parts of the home
  • Weekly meal drop-offs for the first month after the baby is born

Your presence and willingness to help are the greatest baby shower gifts you can offer! Not only will you be contributing to a smoother transition into motherhood, but you’ll also be building lasting memories with your friend or loved one as they prepare to welcome their baby. I’m tearing up just thinking about my friend who did this for me. She came over and helped me fold all of the new baby clothes I was gifted at my shower. I was so overwhelmed with the task that I had put it off for weeks. With her there, we easily got through it and shared many tears, fears, and laughs along the way.

Help her feel loved and less overwhelmed by helping her nest

Imagine your favorite mama’s relief when she looks around her organized home- knowing that everything she needs to care for her new baby is within arm’s reach. Or when she has meals ready to go in the freezer for those sleepless nights. This kind of preparation takes stress off her shoulders and allows her to focus on bonding with her baby. Give her the best baby shower gift and she’ll most likely love you forever.

Are you in desparate need of nesting assistance but no one’s volunteered to come help? Wrangle Your space would love to help you get organized for baby. I’ve been there twice, myself, and would be honored to play a role in your nesting dreams. Click here to connect!

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